Tag Archives: Mass–energy equivalence

THE Eternal Process of Creation

Speed of light (Fizeau)

Speed of light (Fizeau) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Rotating around our still point and pole,
circulating in an orbit of gravity,
and integrating the push away and the pull towards,
this is stillness in motion,
meditation in action,
energy transforming into matter
to find form through fields
and back.

The eternal process
of creation of visible matter
from invisible energy,
and order of relative motion
from objects in absolute positions –
both inside our mind and outside
is unending a dance –
of life outside and exploration inside.

When e = mc2,
c2 is the attempt
to describe the powers
that create form.

Form for matter.

The speed of light
is measured
as linear distance
and squared.

What if we measured the length of a sin wave travelled?

 The circumference of a sphere
unravelled as wave
along which light particles rotate
on their seeming journey to earth?

God creates numbers and units
and One as measure.

Who am I to establish a measure
for the speed of light?

Just a new way of looking:
from lines to waves,
from a straight distance
to a curved sin wave.